Nokia E52 - Talk to a channel or group

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Talk to a channel or group

To talk to a channel after you log in to the PTT service, press the PTT key. A tone sounds,

indicating that access is granted. Continue to press and hold the PTT key the entire time

you are talking. When you finish talking, release the key.

If you try to respond to a channel by pressing the PTT key while another member is



is displayed. Release the PTT key, wait for the other person to finish

talking, and press the PTT key again. Alternatively, press and hold the PTT key, and wait



to be displayed.

When you are talking in a channel, the first person to press the PTT key when someone

stops talking can talk next.

To view the currently active members of a channel during an active call to the channel,




Active members


When you have finished the PTT call, select



To invite new members to an active call, select the channel when you are connected to

it. Select



Send invitation

to open the invitation view. You can only invite

new members when you are the host of a private channel, or when the channel is a

public channel. Channel invitations are text messages.

You can also advertise your channel, so that others may become aware of it and then

join. Select



Send invitation

, and enter the required information.